Dying Light 2 is a first-person, zombie-filled open world video game that takes place in the fictional city of Harran. The story revolves around Kyle Crane and his quest to find his daughter after she goes missing during a zombie outbreak.
Dying Light 2 is an upcoming game that has just released. It is the sequel to the popular game, Dying Light. The game was recently released with a new map and character named Rosemary.
Techland is working hard to make the environment of Dying Light 2 seem alive, even amid the hordes of infected ready to tear players apart at every step. Sure, there will be more human adversaries this time around, and sidequests will play a bigger role in the main story, but the creators are also putting a lot of effort into the game’s worldbuilding in other ways.
Rosemary, the first Dying Light 2 audio story, is an example of this. Voice actors Paul Peterman, Joanna Farell, and Jerry Widuch appear in the 10-minute story, which you can listen to on YouTube or below.
Rosemary is sufficiently scary, and the audio effects and Peterman’s act as narrator, which in no little way reminds me of peak B-Horror Gary Busey in the best possible ways, are especially noteworthy.
The story revolves on a little girl called Rosemary, as one would expect. It’s one of those campfire tales, according to Techland, and it’s one of the Dying Light 2 universe’s numerous urban legends.
There are many such tales in Dying Light 2’s post-apocalyptic setting, and the challenges of living in a dangerous metropolis are an inexhaustible source of inspiration.
Citizens of The City may become closer by sharing them with one another, providing a brief reprieve as they repair broken social ties. These tales may be used to educate people how to live and stay out of trouble, or they can just be used to drown out the noises of the night. Monsters may be heard coming from their lairs from afar, and every rustling and stride behind the wall signals peril.
More urban legends and tall stories will be presented via Audio Stories. Techland didn’t say how many more there will be or when they would come, so keep your eyes and ears peeled. Dying Light 2 will be available on PC, PS4, PS5, Xbox One, and Series X|S on December 7. The greatest look at the action yet comes from recent gameplay video.
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- dying light review